When Yahoo purchased Tumblr back in May, the social media’s site’s smut fans got nervous. Would a fuddy duddy brand like Yahoo mess with Tumblr’s vibrant adult blog community?
And now we know the answer.
Yesterday, Tumblr announced new guidelines for adult content on its blogs. Though they won’t be policing your dirty gifs and pervy pics, they’ll make your porn blog invisible to search engines. Blogs with questionable content will now be divided into two categories.
NSFW blogs contain occasional nudity or mature/adult-oriented content.
Adult blogs contain substantial nudity or mature/adult-oriented content.
The chart below shows how the new classifications affect the visibility and accessibility of your Tumblr page.
If your Tumblr is primarily devoted to porn, it’ll be harder than ever to find– closer to a porn stash in your sock drawer than a well-indexed library of smut. To learn more about the changes on Tumblr’s adult pages, check out the full story in The Atlantic.